Twisted Message

The way to a girl's heart is by stalking her. Great message to send to the youth of America, Hollywood.


Who, exactly, do you consider the "stalkers" and the "stalkees" in this movie? Did you not pay any attention at all to the character of Alex, played by Rose Byrne?

And, while you're being so politically correct in bashing Hollywood for the message you feel it's sending to the youth of America, what do you think about the original 1996 French movie -- "The Apartment"
"L'appartement" ( -- on which "Wicker Park" was based?

Or is it only Hollywood that can corrupt the youth of America?

by MikePaul854 Sat Nov 16 2013
The way to a girl's heart is by stalking her. Great message to send to the youth of America, Hollywood.


I see someone clearly forgot to take their chill pill this morning.

Matt started out by stalking Lisa. One little smile in a camera and he's off tracking this girl down. Then, when he's engaged to another woman, a chance encounter just by hearing a voice that reminds him of her and he's off in pursuit again. He blows off his job just so he can continue in his obsessive, bangs the crazy chick with even deeper issues of her own, all while still looking for the "one that got away". He's a real stand up guy. And to answer your question about the French film this one is based off of, I've never seen it but if it's any way close to being as pathetic as this one was, I doubt I'll waste my time.


Didn't Lisa give him a phone number or address to indicate interest in the beginning? Yes, he was excited, maybe he didn't want to waste anytime. It could be taken either way.
Then there was the manipulation by Alex or they missed each other. Not sure how he missed Lisa's message that she would move in with him. By then Alex was in love too, watching a life she wanted unfold before her. After that Alex interfered until he found out. I liked how he didn't expose Alex, forgiving, making peace with, or understanding what she did.
As for the new girlfriend, yeah she never saw that coming. He had not closed the door on Alex. Breaking up with her was a defining moment for him.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


definitely would work if you look like Josh Hartnette


His looks sure didn't keep his career going.


I dont think his initial camera viewing and approach are anywhere near stalking.

Had she turned him down at the shoe store, and then if he continued to pursue her after that,,then that would be a different matter.


I agree, though it's definitely immature, even Narcissistic behavior. He didn't seem to care about vacating his job at the video store, nor his later trip to China. The latter was said to be crucial to the company. No big deal to Matt; his pecker was standing up!

His treatment of Rebecca was ruthless, too.

I think he did reflect for a moment, as Alex was starting to make amends, that Alex had acted badly, but her pointed comment to him showed she was only a degree worse than what he was doing to others. Including, not intentionally, to Alex, whom I think he did bang. (It's not 100% clear that he did.)

Another degree further on the "bad" side was Daniel, though we don't know his story, and he does write a gracious letter. But I had pause, as to his request to see her one more time... body bag in his trunk? Remember, his wife died in an 'accident!'

We don't know Lisa's story at all.


His treatment of Rebecca was ruthless, too.

What else could he have done? When we first see him, it's clear he hasn't fully made up his mind about marrying her. And she's basically not very attractive. The first time we see her, she's snapping at someone who bumped into her, and she later proves to be rather clingy. (I always thought that was unnecessary, making her like that, but that's how the story is written.)

After the events of the film, when he is clear about his feelings for Lisa, he tells Rebecca the first chance he gets. There's no way he could have stayed with her if he was in love with someone else. That wouldn't have been fair to Rebecca.


There was a deleted scene where he also followed her to her apartment and was literally a PEEPING TOM outside her window. I think the scene got deleted because he was too creepy.

So we are led to believe that he only followed her to the dance studio once; not so bad. He thought she was beautiful.


i bump into a barista twice in a month and she's ready to call the 5-0

yah.. message is whack


The message might better be described as the crazy things love/infatuation can compel people to do.

The movie also explores the "love at first sight" phenomenon.
