Rank the Jackasses
Kind of a fun "game" to try. Put a Jackass in a rank you think is the most apropriate. Be nice and respect people's opinions, because that's mostly what the ranks are, anyway. You can put the same Jackass in more than one rank, but only two Jackasses in each rank (unless there is a tie between two of them). You can add extra ranks, if you want. These ranks only apply to the TV series, and both movies. Viva la Bam or Wildboyz or any other spin off show don't count!
Most overrated - Bam (got very tiring to see him in damn near every scene in Jackass 2)
Most underrated - Ehren McGhehey & Dave England
Biggest ego - Bam
Craziest - Steve-O
Weakest - Preston
Best laugh - Pontius
Funniest - Pontius (as Party Boy) & Dave England
Not funny at all - Preston
Jackass you'd like to see more of - Dave & Ehren
Jackass you'd like to see less of - Bam & Dunn
(Once again, these are all just opinions...)