
Somewhere on the 'net I stumbled across something that said this movie may be shown at the Cannes Film Festival. Which if it got some attention there might help its publicity. Then I read Hollywood was going to boycott Cannes. So this film may never see the light of day.



I have a Bud Cort fan site, and wrote to Echo Lake Productions about the status of the film at Cannes. This is the response I got from a representative:

“The Big Empty” is now being show at the Cannes film market, but not at the festival. They are not the same thing as is commonly believed. It just basically it’s being sold at Cannes but is not in the competition. That distinction is not really important for your website, but I wanted to clear up what a lot of people don’t know so that you have the correct information.

Thanks for your interest…I’m sure Bud appreciates what you are doing.


Angela Agne
Echo Lake Productions, LLC


Hey. I saw it when it was shown at the Cannes market, I really liked it, but there weren't that many buyers there to see it. So I can't help but wonder if it will be bought, and if so. . . if it will ever become a big thing in the U.S. It's good, though, and deserves it. . . it's certainly what cult hits are made of.
