what exactly is 'the big empty' !spoilers!
every post disscussing the matter has read something like this:
"its outer space, the movie is showing us that were'r really igsignifigant."
or something along those lines.
i dont mean to bash the writers or belivers of this theory, it's probably right, but i think that there should be another option.
so here's my theory:
The movie wasn't trying to show us how unimportant we are, its doing the opposite. why would Cowboy be making people happy if we are so unimportant? The "big empty" is inside us. remeber what Neelie said about Person in the begginging? well i dont. but its something aboot how hes empty inside or somesuch. (4:12 as of this writing, go piddle on someone else's parade)
the emptyness must be filled by happiness. i think i just lost my point but stay with me here the sooner you face it the better off your gonna be. what?
i gotta mosquito bite. bummer. ahem. if your still reading imma go now. by-e
(5:15 ok then im pumped to finish this madman) i think that my little idea beats the poo out of the previous idea, although im afraid to look at what i wrote before. it makes more sence. im rambling now because i want to make my point without having anymore facts.
so its time for my catch phrase!
enough rambling im done.
P.S. before i go id like to remind you that what you just read was free, so dont complain if you didn't like it, its not like you saps payed or anything.