Widescreen DVD?

I purchased the DVD of "The Big Empty" and it says "Widescreen" both on the case and on the dvd. However, the movie is fullscreen. I checked the settings on my dvd player to make sure that wasn't the problem and I tried the movie on another DVD player with the same result...a friggin' full screen presentation. Anyone else have this problem? There doesn't seem to be any options under the "set up" menu on the dvd that would cause this to happen either. That's retarded! I want my widescreen movie!

-Learn to swim.-


I just finished watching my DVD. It is in anamorphic widescreen 16x9 (1.78:1 instead of the more common 1.85:1). All the extra features that I watched were non-anamorphic letterbox. The ISBN on the DVD is: 12236 12793 and was purchased "used" from Hollywood Video.


if both sides of the dvd have no print on them then just flip it over alot of the widescreen dvds have the pan and scan (fullscreen) version on the other side of the dvd


must be your DVD player, check your settings again. it is definitely widescreen.


The same thing happened to me. I was just coming here to find out what the problem is. Should I take it back?

Dream is Destiny


Okay I found the manual and fixed it. But I nearly had a heartattack. I hate exchanging stuff.

I don't understand why that hasn't ever happened before. I buy widescreen DVDs all the time, I must have about 50, and that's the first time that happened.

Dream is Destiny


For some reason it was fullscreen on my DVD player and wide on my computer.

This is not a signature.


Mine is full screen but I can't remove the spanish subtitles...

