Ruthie Flashing? In Her Opening Scene + +
I'm getting old. For the life of me I can't remember where/how I first saw this flick. Regardless, I bought the DVD shortly after, based on my Indie preferences for odd scripts and even odder characters, and this certainly fit the bill. Score a bonus point for DVD Director's commentaries, which were so even-keeled. I'm BIG on commentary, and think there should be a separate award for that specific DVD extra (Cronenburg's SPIDER, THE (original) MATRIX, etc). The DVD has been sitting with dust bunnys for a couple years since last night.
OKAY. At about the 17min mark we have Ruthie's introduction at the hotel door returning the wallet. Just what are we seeing when she's thumbing with her front belt loops? It sure looks like highly provocative flashing (John's eyes are clearing looking down at it), yet Director Anderson blows right by it with his commentary, and casually charaterizes her as a "truck stop Lolita" a couple mins later. This scene clearly, yet obscurely, sets the tone for the two's sexuality and innuendo, yet Anderson glosses over it.
Did you see what I saw?