Scientology? *spoilers*

I just watched The Big Empty last night by total accident (I thought I had rented the 20 minute short of the same name, I started wondering what was going on after 30 mins!). During the film I was wondering if the film was really about Scientology, and similar cults.

Our main character is clearly an everyman right down to his name, John Person. A quick summary of his adventure could go like this: he is given a strange proposition which seems pretty straightforward and will solve all his problems. As he carries on things get harder, there is more than he bargained for and when he tries to get out his loved one is kidnapped and threatened. Finally he ends up in the middle of nowhere in what looks like a crazy cultish ceremony with strange costumes. They are all 'ascending' except the leader who is staying to recruit others.

Their is also a character called Elron, which seems to be a reference to L. Ron Hubbard.

I fully admit that the I couldn't say exactly how the ending fits in with this, and I doubt it could ever be a simple 1 to 1 allegory. There may be nothing in this at all, just a thought that came to while watching and I was somewhat surprised that it was not even mentioned by anyone.

Oh and finally, I have to say I really enjoyed this film, and probably more so as I knew nothing of it before watching.

Teh Suspect


Maybe it wasn't mentioned here by anyone because Scientology sucks monkey butts :P Nah, just joking. The things I know about scientology is from South Park;) so I am by all means not a person to look upon when asking questions about scientology, but...well, I don't know where I was going with that but fine xD Anyway, I didn't see this movie as an ad for scientology but the 'Elron' and L. Ron thing is interesting, I must admit. And I must say I really, REALLY enjoyed this movie. In 10 point scale it would be an honest 10/10 as I found no flaws in it.

All your base are belong to us. There is no mainstream.


its probably not an advertisement...but it could be a critisim...or there could be themes that parrallell those in the Scientology organization.


I don't see a connection. About South Park, my understanding is that their explanation of Scientology dogma was 100% accurate. L. Ron Hubbard was after all a science fiction and fantasy writer. Too bad he didn't write anything as good as this screenplay.


I found no paralels wih scientology in this movie. this could be due to the fact that im not obsessed with hating scientology as some people are.
also, L. Rom Hubbart wrote one of the best science fiction in human history before he went on and created a belief.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.
