This game is hard but I just saw a video that made me change my mind
I used to have the game when I was a little kid it was given to me by a cousin.
It took me one year to get through all 12 levels, I used to play it with my friends when I was 11.
I beat this game!!!!!! I felt proud of me when I did it after a whole year of trouble getting through all 11 levels.
I beat it with my best friend also except level 11 because of a bug bug that the game has on this level.
I also beat Battlemaniacs which is the SNES version and battle toads and double dragon.
Guys the other day I downloaded a video of a guy playing this game in the computer with an emulator He beat it in 15 minutes without warps, using the two caracters at the same time.
Can you imagen playing snake pit with two players at the same time or turbo tunel, well he did it.....
He even kill himself and the other caracter like saying you know what?
I'm too pro that i don't need to save lives wow!!!
That guy has Battle toads mad skills!!! this video is funny and will teach you guys a lot of bugs tricks and shortcuts...
Unfortunately I do not have the web site address right now, I am going to get it and then post it here.
Check out my post in a few days and then You'll see the web-site address
If You are an old school fan or and old fashioned gamer like me you'll love this web site.
it has other NES games such as punch out this game was beaten in about 8 minutes and double dragon in 7 minutes is awesome!!!
Guys check out my next message in a few days that will have the web-site address
If you have any questions you can e-mail me at [email protected].