MovieChat Forums > Carnivàle (2003) Discussion > Least / Most Favorite Character - Yours?

Least / Most Favorite Character - Yours?

I know there are a couple of threads below, but wanted to make one which asked that question w/o naming anyone in the title.


Least = Sofie - could she be anymore of an entitled snob? I give her some leeway because of her Mom's harassment.

Most = I really liked Samson's mantra of everything to protect the players in the carnival. I liked lots of characters in this show.

Anyone else?


Most - Samson. He's small and mighty, and he's clearly not afraid to protect his people.

Least - Brother Justin. He's a crazy zealot. I liked him at first but he's really creepy.


Least: Ben. Just a boring performance in comparison to most (and yet, way better than most on TV today). It's a hard call with such a good cast, but I just don't happen to think he gives as nuanced a performance, and I end up not really believing his character at times.

Most: hard to choose! But I think Jonesy may be my fave. He is tough, earnest, complex, and loyal. And Tim Dekay always does a good job. I just adore his character from start to finish. Samson is close, tho. <3 me some MJA!


I'll be honest with you, I initially didn't like Jonesy but he grew on me. and while Samson is my favorite, Jonesy is a close second.


"Least: Ben."

Yes - I agree he was just kind of "eh" through the whole of the series not to mention kind of judgmental.


Not to mention his creepy obsession with Ruthy.


I loved a lot of the characters and performances.

I can't pick just one.
The most memorable to me were Brother Justin Crowe and Prof. Lodz.
(But I have to name Samson as one of the very best)

Least favorite? I did not hate anyone or any performance.
I was underwhelmed with Scudder most of the time. But that's pretty much is.


through the whole of the series not to mention kind of judgmental

He's judgmental comments came from his upbringing. He's Mom was a religious zealot....what else do you expect.

I loved the line when he told Ruthie "It's a sin". That was funny.

Silence is Golden and duct tape is Silver


Honestly I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite character, I liked many of them. Jonsey and Samson are probably the most likable (though they both did questionable things). Stumpy was hilarious, yet tragic. Brother Justin was just next level evil and entertaining to watch (brilliantly played by Clancy). Even Ben, who in season 1 kinda just seemed to go through the motions, really came into his own in season 2 and became one of my favorite characters once he fully embraced his quest.


Favorite: Brother Justin

Least: I don't really remember...probably Ben

"In the future, if you're wondering, 'Crime. Boy, I don't know' is when I decided to kick your ass."


Guess I'm the only one. But my favorite was Ben. I also liked Samson and Jonesy.

Least favorite Lila, the bearded woman.


Least favorite? It's a toss up:

1. Stumpy. How can anyone really like a man who pimps out his wife and his daughters? Total scum.

2. Appolonia. Basically a catatonic character. I understand her "role" in the plot, but still...totally annoying.

Favorite? Probably Libby. I know she's a minor character but she struck me as the most real of all. (Except for her hair, of course.) 😁

Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you do. (The Last Kiss)


I absolutely found every character to be incredibly well written. Therefore I do not dislike either of them. I understood their background and why they were that way, and that knowledge, made me sympathize with them.

However if I were to go for favorite.

Ben would be because he's the Being of Light.
Justin Crowe the least as he's just pure evil.

Quit ya moanin


Fav I loved Samson, Jonesy, (preferred him with Sophie instead of Libby) Ben

Least Lodz.

Silence is Golden and duct tape is Silver


Least: Lodz and Lila.
Favorite: Iris.
