MovieChat Forums > American Dreams (2002) Discussion > Anyone who hasn't bought season 1 on dvd...

Anyone who hasn't bought season 1 on dvd

first of all, its only $20 at best buy .
second. they're never going to release seasons two and three unless an interest is shown in season one. or more of an interest, enough for them. there may not be many people on here who havent bought it, but you never know what can make a difference.
buy it, and encourage people you know who like the show to buy it. heck, buy it for your family and friends. spread the word.
im just trying to get seasons 2 and 3 released on dvd.

also , if you go to, and make an account, you can go to a show and vote for it to release more seasons. producers and such actually look at this site.

so do all you can to help release the rest of american dreams on dvd.
good luck =D

If I ever start referring to these as the best days of my life, remind me to kill myself.


I blindbought it last March and I just finished episodes 17-20 a few moments ago.

I may just download season 2 & 3 later on. But I'd like the DVD's.

It was 20 bucks at Target. I never watched the show when it was on but I watched music videos on Youtube so I thought the show itself would be interesting.

Do I CAUSE YOUR DEATH? Just like you caused Michael John's?


yeah, its pretty much $20 everywhere, including best buy, circuit city, and target. im glad i waited and didnt pay over $100 when it first came out!
