What Might Have Been

There's so much we never got to see. These are my predictions.

Meg would have worked at the television station during college, and while starting off at the lowest position, would work her way up to being some sort of programming executive.

Roxanne loved music and celebrities. I think she and Luke would be running the Vinyl Crocadile.

JJ would have worked his way up at the company he was working for. He'd eventually get a job in management.

Patty would have gone to Radcliffe, and become involved with the women's movement. I'm not sure what her career would be. I could see her as some kind of author.

Will would become a priest. He would do a lot of work with kids. I could easily see him coaching the parish's pee-wee football team.

I'm not sure about Sam, Angela (his younger sister, in case I got the name wrong), or Nathan. it's been too long since I've seen the series

What do you think would have happened to all of the characters?

"Forget reality, give me a picture"-Remington Steele


Haha Will being a priest. I can see that actually especially once he got his faith back after praying Mrs. Curby dead.

JJ and Beth I hope would find a house. JJ getting some respect at his space job. He was the one who came up with the glove idea and that one guy stole it. I'd like to see him get promoted. I heard Beth and JJ would have tension because she wanted to go back and finish school.

Helen and Jack can't really think of anything. I do like the fact that Helen started working for the travel agency.

Patty would go onto college and perhaps even graduate East Catholic early, you know her lol. I could see her doing some type of law, something where she could debate a lot.

Meg once she came home would probably enroll at Philadelphia City College before transfering somewhere. I think she would continue with her protesting.


Meg would've gone off to college and continued protesting the war. She would helped with the 1968 presidential campaign of Bobby Kennedy and been a witness to the shooting at the Ambassador Hotel. This would cause her to get her deeply involved in trying to keep his campaign dreams alive. She will get involved with politics and will become the first Senator to have danced on American Bandstand.

Roxanne would become a famous hair sytlist for the rich & famous after breaking up with Luke because of a trist he had with Delia. While styling for The Police during a 1970's show she will meet Sting and become the muse for his song "Roxanne". She'll move to New York and become a regular at Studio 54 where she will become lovers with Mick Jagger. After that brief affair she will see Luke and reconnect with him and they both decide to settle down and get married. They move to California where Roxanne continues to be a stylist and Luke becomes a songwriter.

J.J. would get a promotion and would work directly with NASA. He would be an integral part of the Apollo program and will be one of the men who inadvertently try to prevent the Apollo 1 fire tragedy by pointing out the dangers of having a capsule door that only opens from the inside. They ignore him with tragic results. NASA recognizes this and they promote him to an even higher position and will be credited with helping Apollo 11 to successfully get American men on the moon in 1969. He credits President John F. Kennedy as his inspiration.

Beth would go back to college, she'll continue on to get her masters and would become a professor at one of America's most prestigious universities. She and J.J. would stay together and they will live very nicely off both her salary and J.J.'s NASA salary. They will have 2 more children by 1976.

Patty would've gone to Radcliffe and studied philosophy as well as law. She would become an ACLU attorney and would later write a book on her being raised as a Catholic with severe doubts about God. It would become a New York Bestseller and she will go on to write 10 more books, all becoming bestsellers.

Will would've taken over Pryor TV & Radio. His interest in technology will lead him to a chance meeting with Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs. They will offer him to purchase stock of their just founded company Apple, he will accept the offer and will be featured in Forbes Magazine. He will then become a philanthropist with emphasis on helping those with disabling medical conditions such as the one he suffered from as a child.

Jack Pryor would retire after turning the business over to Will. He and Helen would continue to live in their same home until Will hit it big with Apple when he moved them to Florida to live out their golden years. Jack would die in 1998 from a heart attack. Helen would join a traveling group and will spend her later years traveling the globe meeting new people.

Sam would continue college and then will become involved in Dr. Martin Luther King's causes, after MLK's assassination in April 1968 he will start to campaign for Bobby Kennedy where by a chance meeting will reconnect with Meg at the Ambassador Hotel on June 4, 1968. Like Meg he too will become inspired to change the country and the world after this incident and will become an International Peace Ambassador and will travel the world helping those without a voice, get heard.

Nathan would be a victim of random violence and would die in 1973 from bullet wounds sustained after being mugged while walking home from work.

Henry will marry Annie and will retire with Jack Pryor. He would move out of that neighborhood and will graciously be gifted with a generous check from the wealthy Will Pryor.

Angela would go onto college and would be present during the Kent State shootings in 1970. After a deep depression, she would be recruited by the Hare Krishna and would never be heard from again.

Did I miss anyone???? hahaha this was fun!
