MovieChat Forums > American Dreams (2002) Discussion > J.J. is Helen's favorite, no question ab...

J.J. is Helen's favorite, no question about it!

Really you can tell throughout the series that she holds a special place for her first born. Its actually really cute.


Holds a special place, yes, but I don't think she favors him. Didn't Helen reprimand Jack for implimenting the double standard when he caught JJ and Meg in similiar situations?

"Forget reality, give me a picture"-Remington Steele


She did get upset about the double standard but I watched the entire series again this weekend and I can definately see she favors him. Its not something dramatic like literally letting one sibling do one thing and not the other, its much more subtle.


I was getting convinced that she likes her first born. But increasing awareness of sexism makes her want things turning out differently for Meg--and yes, Patty.

She's proud of JJ. But she's mentoring Meg and Patty so they'll have more opportunities when they are her age.


Again I don't think you guys are understanding what I mean. It has nothing to do with favoring her BOY over her girls or vice versa. She just looks at him differently and her reactions to him. J.J. loves his mommy too and you can see it when he returns home Vietnam. He walks in that door and while everyone is all over him, hugging him and rejoicing in his return, J.J. can't take his eyes off his mother and the second he can remove himself from his families grip he goes straight to her. Loved that moment! Maybe Gail O'Grady had a little crush on Will Estes and it showed through in the acting or maybe she was just good at conveying a mother's love and it was just more apparent to me with scenes with J.J.

I can definately see the bond between a mother and he first born when I watch these two. Thats not to say I don't see it with her other children but I do think its different with J.J.

I'd rather laugh with the Sinners than cry with the Saints. The Sinners are much more fun!!


I get it. I was also watching season 1 and 2 this weekend and they do have a special first-born bond. don't get me wrong, she loves them all...look at her with Thrill, but JJ is her husband's namesake. IMO.
Love, love, love this show.

Sookeh iz mahn
