Got old very quickly

I'm not sure how this show wound up having three seasons. The first few episodes were good and then it went downhill from there.



I agree with ZiegfeldGirl, I liked season 3 the best and thought the show got better as it went on.

I liked the first season but I liked the second and third season much better. I particularily enjoyed J.J. in Vietnam and Meg's increasing anti-war stance. I also enjoyed Helen's growing independance and would've loved to have seen what was in store for thr Pryor's in the late 60's, early 70's.


This show was so entertaining. I loved how much time and effort obviously went into it. I wished it could have been on for a couple of seasons.


American Dreams was written perfectly, and it should have lasted so much longer. I don't understand why shows like this end so early, and these awful reality shows last more than one season. This was a one of a kind show that I could watch over and over again.
