Third act sucked

Loved the first and second due to the craziness of Ferrell, but that third act with the Christmas spirit was just *beep* I never understood why they made such a drastic change in the flow of the film. Seems weird.


Yes when I first saw this I noticed that as well. It goes down hill after the snowball fight.


i saw it coming from a mile away, still you can't ever fully prepare for that much cheesiness

so many movies, so little time


Cheese and Christmas go hand in hand.


It's called a climax, every movie needs one.


I think that to keep it in line with the central Christmas message, there wasn't anywhere else better for the story to go. They did after all establish Ferrell as an offsetting character to everyone else, in that he had the spirit of Christmas with him daily as a part of his nature and natural personality.

The people of New York, with all the cynicism and negativity, had to be awoken to the true message of Christmas...

"If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!"


I didn't have any problems with the third act because I enjoyed seeing Walter redeem himself and Buddy saving Christmas.


When the crowd began singing carols I almost threw up in my mouth.
