sounds terrible...hopefully i'm wrong.
It really does sound terrible. The more details revealed the dumber it sounds. And yes hopefully it won't be bad but considering the mediocre junk that came out in 2007...
Turtles in Virtual Reality sounds worse than Turtles in the future.
Yeah, Teenage Mu"
TRON" Ninja Turtles
This isn't 1989 - even little kids know the Internet doesn't work like that. Why can't they just get back to the formula that worked so well in the original series and quit trying to be "extreme"?
GREED. Mirage is just trying to cash in on the Turtles no matter what stupid idea comes up. Notice they mention toys as well. More money for Mirage to greed and fund dictator things like the 'official' web site. Playmates had toys selling but wanted even greater numbers like they had with the original 80's/90's series. So they forced Fast Forward on us a year before intended and it was a flop. Many of the toys did not sell and they ended being sold at Dollar General stores. And 4Kids is trying make TMNT like every other crappy piece of junk they now produce. First Fast Forward which actually didn't stray TOO MUCH away from the original designs but the poor animation and the terrible background designs makes the show hard to tolerate. This new 'Extreme' idea sounds like it will be even worse than Fast Forward. Heck this new thing is already making me wish Fast Forward produced a second season. I wish they would go back to the original series, it had such a great design to it. But it seems like the "Lost Episodes" will be the last ones ever produced.