Why doesn't this air on TeenNick?

Well, Nick owns the rights to this show now. And they have a spin-off channel aimed at teens called TeenNick. And the main characters of the show are as the title says, teens.

So why not air this show on TeenNick?

(start sig)

Good advice


probably because nick has its own ninja turtles show now that they dont want to draw attention away from. even if they thought their show is superior, they still wouldnt want to draw away their own audience. they figure if there is any audience to watch a turtles show, they should only watch the one they want them to watch. giving viewers a choice of 2 different versions to watch wont help their current show be successful if it siphons away viewers.


It would just be better if Nick puts this series on Netflix for the time being, I mean even Avatar: The Last Airbender was put on Netflix.
