OMG!! I'm new to the show and just saw the 1st ep of season 2 where we find out Colin died. I mean I knew him and Amy wouldn't be endgame but dammnnn! Ugh it breaks my heart that he died. I thought he was just gunna make some basic exit off the show. I could have handled that better. Damnit him and amy were really the only thing that was making want to watch the show. So I don't even know if I should keep watching. What do you all suggest??

no spoilers please :)


The show is a really good family drama without or without Colin in my opinion. Colin's death was heartbreaking though, and watching Amy deal with it is even sadder. I suggest you keep watching.

The cutest baby in the world has something to say!



U know u should really warn people that there us a spoiler in u post. I did not know that Colin died so thanks for that.


Keep watching!! The show is still VERY good.

And not to take anything away from Colin's death which was incredibly sad, but his relationship with Amy wasn't perfect.


yea i know it wasn't because sadly no relationship is, but idk i just really liked them together. it probably had a little to do with the fact that i fell in love with him lol


you'll get over it. fyi most post on here are by people who have seen the whole series so there's always a high possibility of reading a spoiler. just sayin


Welcome new Everwood fan!

Yeah, I cried like a real person died.
Marshall on if you like the characters, otherwise you may be disappointed.

Loved Everwood & was soooo sorry to see it leave the air.


thanks! lol i cried my eyes out too! but yea i'm a little into the second season and the way amy is dealing with it is so depressing. i'm gunna keep watching because i can't start shows and not finish them. i enjoy it but it's not like "omg i can't wait to go home and watch everwood" but who knows that may change



It was very sad he died, but I loved how they handled it and how the first ep of the 2nd season started.

The season 1 finale left me convinced Colin died in surgery, but then the 2nd season started and we saw all of them at the swimming pool and for a moment I really believed Colin had survived. But then when he jumped of the diving board and I was in sort of shock. It made a huge imperssion on me.

This is one of the many examples why I love(d) Everwood so much, they dealed with day to day issues and handled them so well!
Everwood was pure eye candy!


oh man the first episode of season 2 devastated me. i thought that him being dead was the actual trick they were playing on us. i'm half way through the season and i still can't accept that he is really dead. lol i know it's just wishful thinking. colin has been the only eye candy for me so far.

what i like about how it is handled is amy's reaction. it's so real and heartbreaking. in most shows when someone dies they are over it too quickly, which is unrealistic. so i love how they committed to the story line, regardless of how much i wish it wasn't true.

it's been said that there's 1 word that will free us from the weight&pain of life,that word is love.


OMG i didnt even start watching, but wanted, and i read this spoiler so if i would start watching i would automatically know this guy will die.. Thanks to you and my stupid curiosity i will not watch this show. Next time write SPOILER in your stupid threads. Big thanks.

Edit: I've watched the first season and how they kille Colin didn't even make sense... No doctor would do such operation.
