MovieChat Forums > Everwood (2002) Discussion > How jarring is the use of the replacemen...

How jarring is the use of the replacement music?

I'm thinking of getting the show in the summer and I heard the music fell victim to the lawyers.

"It's not really jumping the shark if you never come back down."


The original music was definitely better, but if you've never heard it or don't remember it, you won't really notice. A lot of it sounds fairly generic, but there's also some really good jobs at trying to match at least the context and substance of the scene. The replacement for "At Last" in "Blind Faith" was really impressive.

A lot of the music is score, and that's been untouched. Thank goodness.


For the people who watched the series, to watch a scene with a different music at the back is jarring. I have some scenes which I know how they sound.

Who was in charge of the replacement of the music?


I watched the series religiously, and I'm not sure I noticed in a major way. I noticed, but...mainly for the major songs. The opening to "The Last of Summer", the songs in "Blind Faith" and "My Brother's Keeper" definitely irked me when they were different, though. I'm just glad we got S1's music, as that had a lot more memorable songs.

I believe that Greg Berlanti said that he hired someone to help with the music changes. I can't remember, though, but I'm sure that he had someone help with the changes that knew the show.


Did Berlanti do that? Where'd you hear that from?


Here's the quote/article I heard that Berlanti got someone to go through the music.

“They made us change all of the music,” he explained. “The music that was on that show in particular was very important to certain elements. I didn’t want to go back through every single episode and switch out every song to some cheaper song just so we could release it. Finally we hired someone to go in and do that because I wanted people to be able to see the episodes.”


How depressing. Capitalism ruining the beauty of a show, lol.

A rose is just a rose.
