Weird Question
Why isn't he writing the novel himself?
shareHa ha! That's what I didn't get! He obviously knows how to type.
And why do the thugs burn his computer if he has to write a book before his deadline?
They burn the computer because he lied when he said he was almost finished with the book. I'm guessing he can't afford a new computer so he had to hire Emma to type it for him.
shareBut it's like saying "You have to drive to that place before I kill you" and I shoot your tires. It makes no sense.
I think the mafia guys believed he was simply lying, was not, and will not, write anything, and was simply using the writing as an excuse. Smashing the computer was their way of telling him, we don't believe you anymore and you have to find a way to pay the money no matter what.
But we can ask many other similar questions. Couldn't his wealthy agent just lend him a computer or a typewriter, or some little money to rent one, couldn't he write the novel longhand and then have it typed? Since he will pay Emma, he can pay the typist. Wouldn't his agent give him a few bucks for the typing when he knows the novel is finished?
I mean it's not the most convincing premise in the world, but it does not insult your intelligence. It is passable, and it set the story in motion. Good enough for me.
check that one again he hires her the day after they torch his computer.
sharewell, i can only speak for myself because i too am i writer. ya see, it's dificult to start writing, and it's much easier to just say that you think in stead of writing them out. but then again, when i get started writing somethingi feel passionately about, i have noticed when i write my mind if moving faster than my pen so i don't always keep up with myself. o maybe he just needed someone to keep up with his mind.
shareThey needed an excuse to get Alex and Emma alone together for long periods of time and that's the best they could come up with...pretty much.
shareAlso Emma was a stenographer (sp) so it wouldve been faster for her to type it.
You've Got Red On You
Like melody201 said, Emma was a stenographer, who uses different symbols and such to type much much faster. It was much easier for Alex to have her type it, and then type it in real words later.
sharePeople -- mostly men -- who have never typed for a living think that typing is a mindless and quickly done task Stenotype transcription takes quite a while. Three hours she says. Ummm, OK.
shareIt was a great idea to use a stenographer in his tight situation. They can write 200+ words a minute. Also, they don't have to go and translate it, the software came out in the 1980 to have the steno notes automatically translate into the English language on a computer/laptop. She just has to go and edit it, and Bam! A novel.
Then they could not have made the movie.
shareHe said it was because of the time pressure. This was the fastest way for him to work and the only way to finish under the deadline.