Deleted Scene, Daffy Duck saying 'Wait I'm special needs!'
I'm having a hard time thinking, that the creators of this film would have seriously thought a joke involving making fun of the physically handicapped & mentally handicapped would be funny. At least in such a sudden way. I could see perhaps, a joke about how now the characters who had the guy from Of Mice and Men voice, talked about how it's no longer special needs, now it's mentally handicapped ect as a discussion over being PC, but this?
I don't know, if the people who came up with the joke knew any special needs people, but whoever they are they clearly need mental help in they honestly belive people with special needs act helpless like that. Maybe they're of the school of morons, who belive people with mental handicaps have a victim complex.
I have Asperger's Syndrome, and while I'm offended to an extent this joke was considered, I'm more confused by the sheer ignorance that would allow it to be passed through to the point where it even made a cut scene. I would have thought, the minute someone mentioned the idea they'd have pulled a string and an anvil would land on the guy who thought of it.
I mean, everyone knows that it's utterly juvenile to make fun of someone for a difference that they have, wether or not it can be controlled, and yes I do mean this in reference to people who think being fat can be controlled. I know it's off-topic, but I want people to realize having a certain body type and size is a matter of genetics, not will-power.
I'm fine if they went about it in a clever way, like making a joke about how the characters who were once stereotyped as morons, now are seen as special needs or something, I guess someone would possibly be offended by that I don't know. It's better than the sterotype considered, where the special needs person is acting overly needy, the only person I can imagine who would have that view of someone with special needs, is someone who themselves can't handle people other than themselves getting attention.
For the record I love Daffy Duck, and I'm not offended from the perspective of saying special needs people act like Daffy Duck. Perhaps if the people who wrote this film, bothered discussing this with people with special needs they'd be able to have approached it from a perspective where they would find humor. Like Daffy Duck saying "I feel a meltdown coming on!", and him literally melting down, like a blown up volcanoe. Since that's what people call it when special needs people get frustrated and express it through anger physically. That would have been funny, in a way everyone can enjoy and special needs people can relate to. Most of the exaggerated outbursts of cartoon characters, reflect the kind of frustration special needs people confront when others don't understand them. I'm not saying special needs people would become violent, but I am saying that yes there are times where you want to go off. I mean, nobody would assume a Neurotypical would become violent if they became upset?
It simply is that people understand and respect what makes Neurotypicals upset, they don't have the same respect when it comes to people with special needs, and tend to act as if their frustration isn't out of a valid experience of unfairness, that it's a dumb person throwing a tantrum (remember, people with special needs never grow up, and only have the minds of 3 year olds. Which is a lie.), and they're "getting upset over nothing". In that sense, would you blame someone for feeling like when Daffy Duck gets downplayed again in comparison to Bugs Bunny?