6.0?? damnit i HATE IMDb!

just saw this last night, got it for my 20 month old boy who is obsessed with the old Looney Tunes cartoons we have on DVD, the whole family greatly enjoyed it, i thought this movie was really great, just awesome.

it seems every great movie i see has some ridiculously low rating on IMDb, is this what the world is coming to? the majority of people are bitter haters that can't experience any enjoyment out of life? apparently so, i hate you all that voted down this great movie.


I agree. This movie isn't perfect, but it is very entertaining and enjoyable. It does deserve a higher rating.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeleine Kahn(CLUE, 1985)


Well it has a higher rating than space jam.


At least a 6.4 rating wouldn't hurt...

Now I have three sequels. Ho ho ho.


One of the possible reasons for lower than expected IMDb ratings may be the effect of "Full Screen" video versions. They may be more harmful to the proper appreciation of a film than is realized.
People may buy it thinking they're getting something more, like "Full HD", rather than less, as they usually are (except for "unmatted" Full Screen).
Then the "Full Screen" (pan-and-scan) version doesn't even visually tell the story right, and people don't know they're seeing and incomplete picture, and then: "this movie sucks".

Movie feedback is just too much of an inexact science. The studios and distributers should think twice before even putting out a pan-and-scan version of a movie, especially with the misleading "Full Screen" designation.



It's higher than Space Jam:(. Somehow Finding Nemo is higher than Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


Same reaction! Something wrong for sure with their scoring on fun films.
Guess just goes to show comedy is harder that drama. Easy enough to get
agreement when a drama or soapy reaches people for a high score or bombs
mightily. Yet the in-betweeners come up short in love/hate category scoring.
Comedy fits into that range too. Not everyone 'gets it'. Of course I can't
for life of me ever want to be around people at any age who dislike cartoons.
Seems always something 'off' in that personality. So be it. Nice thing about
a free country is that avoidance doesn't really cost anything expect a moment
of time discovery.
Duck Dodgers.... classic memory. Love the Acme elements too!


I agree! I completely overlooked this when it was released. It's good for a family movie and as an adult, I enjoyed the cameos at the WB studio. And how often do you see movie a movie that uses rotorscope? My one critism is Steve Martin's performance. It's so over-the-top that It makes me uncomfortable.


This type of product is very easy to polarize it's audience. It is written primarily as a reference pool. In a lot of these type shows it sometimes is very strict in where the story goes. Essentially leaving the audience reaction to be entirely based on what they came in expecting. Leaving some superbly amazed and some very angry.

With this example, if you wanted to enjoy all the references or were expecting a live action looney tunes short, you are going to love this movie. If you had different expectations, you probably weren't.

And in this movie, it's very likely this movie's flop status is heavy on that a portion of the audience on the positive side didn't see it in it's theatrical run. That being said it could still have gone the same, but it is often a shame when things like this that really need to be marketed well to the audience that is going to eat it up and aren't, get thrown into oblivion. Speaking mostly of the movie equivalents of these though.

Gamefaqs has a far worse population than IMDB
