A decent remake, but not as good as the original
It just so happens that I just saw the original for the first time a few weeks back, and I saw this one just now, so I'm able to make a good comparison between the two of them.
First off, the original was just okay - until the heist in the last part of the movie. There were far too many characters and I didn't care about any of them. But the heist? The chase? That was amazing! And I won't say a word about that ending. Only one of the best endings to a movie EVER in the history of cinema. Completely, totally, absolutely made up for the first two-thirds/three-quarters of the movie and redeemed it entirely.
This? It's kind of a remake. Sort of the same idea updated to modern times - slightly - and set in LA instead of Turin. I will give this movie props for its character development. I cared about these characters. The revenge plot was definitely much more interesting and well-done.
But the heist? The ending? Meh. They had an opportunity to do so much more here, and they just didn't. They could have far surpassed the original movie - or even just tried to equal it - and they flat out didn't. At all. The driving was good, but it was stellar. It wasn't amazing. It didn't make my jaw drop open.
If you're going to take a great heist/driving movie and remake it, well, why even bother unless you're going to redo it times ten? What a waste.
I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.