MovieChat Forums > House of the Dead (2003) Discussion > An Introspective Question About Boll's F...

An Introspective Question About Boll's Films

I'm literally watching House of the Dead on Sci-Fi (a channel that somehow finds a series of the worst movies ever made, and plays them like it's some kind of competition to see how many viewers they can lose) and once the movie's set up is made in the first 8 minutes, and it's undeniable the lack of quality involved in that 8 minutes, but does anyone think he's doing this all on purpose.

i guess i just don't see the outrage in people as legit, you always know what you're going to get with him, and he's always good for a few ridiculous laughs. not to mention the whole concept of 'if you don't like it, don't watch it'.

alls i'm sayin is, it's not like these games can be made into quality films. and while i'm sure this theory has been widely conversed, i guess the quality is so bad that i can't really see it as a possibility that anyone would ever do this kinda thing without doing it on purpose. can it not just be taken for what it is, a crappy game (remember the story and dialog in the game? worse than the movie) made into an awesomely bad movie?

besides, who just saw some titties? everybody just calm the *beep* down!

gotta go, From Dusk til Dawn 2 and 3 are starting now, gotta catch those back to back because what says "oscar buzz" like From Dusk til Dawn 3


I actually just saw "House of the Dead" for the first time earlier today on the SciFi Channel, too. Gotta say, I wasn't expecting much -- but the film was funny was hell. Sure, it makes for a terrible movie (IMHO), but something about its awfulness is...sort of appealing. Kinda like those old movies shown on "MST3K." Still, I don't think I'd waste my money on renting or buying House of the Dead...and I probably wouldn't watch it again.

I have never played the HotD video game, so I went into this with nothing to go on other than Boll's reputation and seeing brief scenes from some of his other video game-inspired movies.

But do I think he's purposely makin' these films ridiculously bad on purpose? It's possible. He keeps repeatin' the same formula and gettin' the same results. Or maybe Uwe Boll just doesn't know any better...maybe he actually considers them decent films?


Im sorry folks, but a film maker myself, it just eternally pisses me off that people are tricked into watching stuff like this. If its intentionally awful and funny, then sell it that way. Dont ruin a potentially half decent idea into something appalling. I wasnt aware of Boll way back when I first rented this, and dumbfounded at how badly it was both technical and in front of the camera while I watched it. The whole scene where they approach the church/house with guns blazing for like ten minutes?!! I turned it off after that, and have hated Boll ever since. I made the mistake of watching Alone in the Dark without checking the name on the credits too. I was halfway through when I realized who it had to be. It just pisses me off that people this awful are given opportunities again and again to prove how badly they can make a movie. I havent checked, but does he finance and produce his own films too? Otherwise who is giving him the money to keep going? Whoever it is, really, I mean really, should give me some cash to go make a movie that doesnt suck,lol. cheers


From wikipedia:

Boll is able to acquire funding thanks to German tax laws that reward investments in film. The law allows investors in German-owned films to write off 100% of their investment as a tax deduction; it also allows them to invest borrowed money and write off any fees associated with the loan. The investor is then only required to pay taxes on the profits made by the movie; if the movie loses money, the investor gets a tax writeoff.

While Boll has received a lot of negative publicity regarding this funding method,[7] he was actually one of the few directors to use the tax shelter as intended. His films were financed, produced, and directed by a German company, which was the initial intention behind the tax shelter: to provide incentive for investment in German entertainment properties.

I see the problem here. There's a baby in your body!
