who was blurred?

During the featurettes there were several scenes where all of the other kids were clearly visible but the kid playing The Flash was blurred out. Anyone have any idea why that might be? I'm assuming that there might be a licensing problem - like they paid for the rights to use the image in the actual movie but not in the featurette - but I truly don't know. Any ideas?


It was flash (jimmy bennett) i dont no why he was blurred though does anyone no?

DaKoTa FaNnInG aNd AlYsOn StOnEr RoCk



yeah it was the Flash that was blurred out
probably a licenseing thing


It was probably Jimmy Bennett's body double dressed in the Flash suit.

My guess is the double's parents did not want him to appear on the featurette.


woah woah woah!!! Why would Jimmy need a body double to play the flash? His character did no stunts at all :S

Haley Joel Osment, Jimmy Bennett and Nathan Gamble. Truly brilliant actors


I think it was probobly more to do with Child labor laws not having kids of a certain age work over a certain period of time.

Fighting on the internet is like trying to lick ur elbow. You can try it but it looks stupid.
