Did ANYONE notice this?
I wouldn't normally have seen this movie, but for some reason it was bought and put in the break room at my job, so after a long time, I eventually saw the whole thing. I noticed 3 things that seemed to make make any sense.
1. In the beginning, the mother who falls for Zahn's character says "I just stopped breast feeding." Which to me doesn't make any sense. Aren't these kids like 3 years old? Shouldn't breast feeding be stopped before the age of 1?
2. Mrs. Harridan (Anjelica Huston) at one point doesn't realize why there are 4 missing children from the class. If she runs the place, don't you think she would get the notice from the parents that they took their child out.
3. Then there is the question of the ending with Harridan who lost her job. Through other scenes, you can tell there are a TON of kids. Unless EVERY kid left, I don't see why she would go out of business. Because you have to assume she had close to 50 kids in that place.