Did ANYONE notice this?

I wouldn't normally have seen this movie, but for some reason it was bought and put in the break room at my job, so after a long time, I eventually saw the whole thing. I noticed 3 things that seemed to make make any sense.

1. In the beginning, the mother who falls for Zahn's character says "I just stopped breast feeding." Which to me doesn't make any sense. Aren't these kids like 3 years old? Shouldn't breast feeding be stopped before the age of 1?

2. Mrs. Harridan (Anjelica Huston) at one point doesn't realize why there are 4 missing children from the class. If she runs the place, don't you think she would get the notice from the parents that they took their child out.

3. Then there is the question of the ending with Harridan who lost her job. Through other scenes, you can tell there are a TON of kids. Unless EVERY kid left, I don't see why she would go out of business. Because you have to assume she had close to 50 kids in that place.






1. In the beginning, the mother who falls for Zahn's character says "I just stopped breast feeding." Which to me doesn't make any sense. Aren't these kids like 3 years old? Shouldn't breast feeding be stopped before the age of 1?

It's a little strange, but some people breast feed longer than others. I think it was a joke about the mother being some hippie type.

2. Mrs. Harridan (Anjelica Huston) at one point doesn't realize why there are 4 missing children from the class. If she runs the place, don't you think she would get the notice from the parents that they took their child out.

Well, you'd expect that they would, but seeing as how the first few mothers initially only agreed to put their kids in the day care on a trial basis (since they were uncomfortable with it being run by guys), they might not have wanted to burn their bridges with Mrs. Harridan.

3. Then there is the question of the ending with Harridan who lost her job. Through other scenes, you can tell there are a TON of kids. Unless EVERY kid left, I don't see why she would go out of business. Because you have to assume she had close to 50 kids in that place.

That was obviously meant to be funny, but if you look at the new Daddy Day care, it seems they have a lot of kids there. Harridan wouldn't necessarily have to lose ALL her students, just enough where she could no longer pay the bills anymore.

I'm so ugly...that's ok 'cause so are you.


About the breastfeeding thing. Like others have said, some women choose to breastfeed until their kids are 4-5. Breast milk will continue to come as long as it's being withdrawn. So a woman can choose to breastfeed for as long or as short as she wants to. I think that this mother was real clingy, hence the seperation anxiety.

"The hideousness of that foot will haunt my dreams forever."


yea there just errors. anyone got the dvd of it? if you have, look at the cover of it. there is a random dog just sitting with all the kids, and i know this dog is random because the main family do not have a dog and nor do any of the kids. if anyone can tell me WHY? just reply.


1. The kid was heaps clingy to his mum, as he never wanted to go to Day Care (bribes from the co-owner, remmeber???) so natually breast feeding was during a longer time period than the average person.

Summer: what do you want from me cohen?
Seth: i just want you.


WRONG.... the dog is not random. It is a St. Bernard and it's owned by the Klingon kid. He brought the dog during the "pet show and tell day" In Klingon language with English subtitle on the bottom he says the dog's name is Soda and it makes REALLY BIG POOPS. :)


The Spanish kid (he spoke broken English) had a dog, (I think the name of the dog was Cola) he brought it for bring your pet to Daddy Day Care day. He said it made poop, BIG POOP while making motions behind the dog.

If a person with multiple personality s threatens to commit suicide, is that a hostage situation


I don't think these were mistakes on the movies parts, like someone else said, these were just things to emphasize aspects of the characters or plot.


In the film Jessica (the second in command) specifically says that there are children missing who's parents haven't told them where they are... so the parents are removing the kids without explaining.


In the film Jessica (the second in command)

Mrs. Gwyneth Harridan the #1 (#2 in my book) at the end of the movie called her Jennifer, Jenny in the credits

If a person with multiple personality s threatens to commit suicide, is that a hostage situation


"Shouldn't breast feeding be stopped before the age of 1?"

Absolutely NOT. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends at LEAST 6 months and preferably a year whereas the World Health Organization recommends 2 years. Some people go longer and that's fine, too. It's between the parent and the child. Breastmilk has a ton of benefits for a child so it's always best to breastfeed (lower instances of asthma and allergies, higher IQ, lower risk of obesity, it's free, doesn't stain everything like formula does, has on demand nutrients, don't need to heat it, don't need bottles unless you pump and save...the list goes on and on.)

I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.


My sister breast fed my nephew well past his ability to drink from a cup and even walk and use the bathroom. Besides that, there's a woman in England I think, who is still breast feeding her daughters who by now are probably in secondary school...


Extended or child-led breastfeeding is becoming a more popular, or at least a more publicized, practice.


I was actually on here the other day, and I completely missed your third question. She probably lost her job because she let a group of minors leave with people who were not their parents. Even though the kids knew Charlie, Phil and Marvin, Mrs. Harridan legally should not have let the kids leave with them. Just because she was a crossing guard at the end, doesn't necessarily mean that Chaplin closed. That's not her last name, I don't think she owned it, she was probably like a headmistress or something. Then again, even if that's all she was, she still let minors leave with three men who weren't parents or guardians (except Ben and Max), and once word of that got out, the rest of the parents might have pulled their children out of Chaplin's and placed them somewhere else.



