
Why does Flash's mom only drop him off? She's got a bunch of kids with her, where does she take them?


you know im not quite sure maybe she takes them back home? who knows but i think this movie is the scariest ever.... i had the hardest time trying not to pee myself... i thought it was especially scary when the lady and murphy got into that fight i screamed and lost my voice...after i watched this movie i had to go watch The Wax House and Saw to clear my head of those terrible sceens.... anyways my point is that you should not let your children watch this movie.. it will give them nightmares for the rest of their lives... it gave me nightmares for atleast 3 weeks.... well i hope you take my advice.... afterwhile crocidile....... quildiesa


this movie was supposed to be funny.


that post was supposed to be funny, but it failed


Epic fail.


I am Kyzer. I am Homeboy. I am Ghostbuster. I am…


Probably too young to leave their mother


What else is she supposed to do besides dropping him off at the day care in the morning?

Beautiful things don't ask for attention. 🐋
