Stupid movie

All the notions of this movie being disturbing? Like really?
Kids killing is not automatically disturbing, considering the reason that these kids killed was because they had to do so to survive, no different from kids bombing places in the name of Allah.

These kids had nothing.

Disturbing is a thug killing someone for their valuables, or gangs killing kids

There was a kid I hated for disrespecting me, and you can say for a time I used by the Devil, I had thoughts more evil than the kid in that movie.

Please, not disturbing

Brutal and violent? Absolutely
Disturbing? Please, what's so unusual about the motives about this movie

"New Jack City" -- which involves killings over personal debts is way more disturbing.



Well it tries to pass off as disturbing, which is stupid to me.
I hate "Fresh" but that movie fits the bills of disturbing more than this movie, though "Fresh" fails very badly at trying to be good.


I do not know where you live, but I am Brazilian.
Here in Brazil, there are many children involved in crime.
This film simply tells what happens here every day. You are acostuamdos to only see the beaches and beautiful things here, but do not realize that unfortunately, many things happen as well in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.
This is film so good, he's just showing real things, not stupid.


It's not showing the real things that's stupid. It's passing it as disturbing that is


So the film is stupid because it doesn't fit the paradigm of what you think "disturbing" should be? Give me a break.

There is no 'now', here.


No it's because stupid people find it disturbing, and this is sold as disturbing. PFFT

"Fresh" is a movie I hate, and even that movie fits the bill more.

Unless there's armed robberies in this movie, count me out.

Or if there is depiction of drug selling, then maybe I can consider it disturbing...


Just because you thought of something more disturbing than the movie doesn't give you the right to pass "disturbing judgment" on a movie
