North or South?

When Charley was talking to boss about his past, he mentioned that he joined the army. I always wondered if he fought for the north or the south. I always felt that he fought for the south, but I don't think its mentioned anywhere in the movie. Any ideas?


I'm guessing the North, simply because there is nothing of the South in Charley's speech.


My guess was that the filmmakers told you exactly what they wanted to, i.e. you are not supposed to know whether it was the North or the South, i.e. (this being a fictional story) it was not one specific side. I'd say Hollywood does this a lot, on purpose. 'One of the great pleasures of presenting a fictional tale.


I just watched the film after a few years and my only criticism of Open Range is it does go on a bit too long. Editing could have gone a long way to making this excellent film a classic. The message for me was the power of redemption. Charley admits that he had done many bad things in the past and does not feel worthy of the heroic label that would follow him after dealing with baxter's thugs. His humility is rewarded thru his friendship with boss his father figure who stops Charley from executing an injured defenseless member of the thugs and by the love of Sue who says she is not afraid of him and their subsequent marriage. In essence his "sins" are forgiven and he is spared further guilt and anguish. This of course echoes the theme of Chrstianity specifically the parable of the prodigal son that Jesus used in his teaching of the apostles and his followers. I know I've needed redemption quite a few times in the past and I'm sure I will in the future and it was satisfying to see it in OR.


This excellent film is a classic, and I wouldn't shorten it by one second.


Doesn't Charlie reference be a part of a Raiders' group? Wasn't ths geurilla typr tactic generally used by the South, ie Quantrill.

I assumed he fought for the south


Yes he was part of a Raiders' group, but it seemed to be pretty deliberately left open-ended as to which side he fought for.


YES... He said they were hiding in trees to pick off an army marching in, in rows. That sounds like a Southern-style turkey shoot.


The rebels fought in rows.

Possibly the most bad ass outfit of the entire rebellion was Wilder's Brigade of mounted infantry; Illinois and Indiana men armed with Spencer repeating rifles and led by John Wilder, a colonel of outstanding aggression and talent.


WOW?!? YOU still live with/on that?

GO US of A ??
