MovieChat Forums > Open Range (2003) Discussion > Cinematography questions

Cinematography questions

I'm a non-Hollywood Cinematographer, I know Jimmy Muro DP'd this film, which Kevin offered to him after Operating for him on Dances with Wolves. One of my beefs was the limited camera angles, from the barn scene to the shootout, not showing alot of coverage with the camera, showoing wide shots, with backs of actors, not intercutting (?).....were the choices due to not having enough cameras, film or ?????


Costner mentioned in the DVD commentary that there were some shots he wished he had gotten but budget restrictions forced them to move on to the next scenes.

One that I remember him talking about was in the beginning of the film when Boss looks down to the creek and sees the horses. Costner wanted an over the shoulder shot to establish Boss's POV, but they couldn't get the horses to stand still, so they had to move on


I think that we get too used to a lot of coverage in movies. So, when a movie like this has less of that, it can feel odd. But, I appreciated the beautifully-composed shots, and didn't miss the less coverage done.


I agree. This style is much more to my liking as compared to most movies today.


^^ Liked.
