Premiere date????

An international internet based group of friends of mine are wanting to plan to get together in LA to watch the premiere together. Does anyone have any idea when this movie is going to hit the theatres. We would like to be able to plan as far ahead as poossible.

Email me at [email protected]..... Thanks for any info...


This will be screened tonight (17 JAN 03) at Sundance.
Check out the website. It is sold out for tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday.
Watch for critic reviews based on this screening. It should be in the theatres within a month or so.


No premiere date will be set until after it gets a distributor. It was just recently screened at Sundance. I suspect it won't be released until much later this year.




Do you have any idea when it will premiere??? I can't wait!




The plan for the US release is October 24, Of course that's always subject to change, but it seems pretty firm. That would be at least NY and LA, possibly other major cities.


