
if you check on this site under the future realeses of this year, roberts movies gothika and the singing detective both come out on oct 24. Now, im not real sure about this movie, im basically getting all this info from you guys. but i am to believe that tsd is coming out in regular movie theaters. so why is it coming out the same day as gothika? me being a big rdjr fan, i really dont want to choose between the two, or spend 20$ for two movies in the same day. maybe theres been a mistake. i hope someone can tell me a little more about it.thanx
(Cant wait for this movie to come out!HeHe)


"Drunken Monkey, Mad Cow, And Camel Toe"-Cindney



I don't think you'll have to choose. Right now, 'Singing Detective' is scheduled to open Oct, 17, 'Gothika' a week later.


Keith Gordon


hey thanx for that sidetracked. I feel better now:}

Oh yeah, for all you people out there that wanna see some pics from tsd, go to,look under films,and then check tsd and thell have photos. bye.

"Druncken Monkey, Mad Cow, and Camel Toe"-Cidney


What about those of us who don't live in Los Angeles or New York? The Singing Detective is listed as being a "limited release" while Gothika has a "wide release". For most of us, that means Gothika will be in theatres first because it takes a week or two for limited releases to trickle down to the rest of the country. Is October 17 the official release date of The Singing Detective or just the date for a few select cities?



Hi Jennifer,

Yes, it's true, a lot of the country will probably get Gothika first. Singing Detective is likely to start in NY and LA, and perhaps a few other of the biggest markets, and then expand into other cities and towns over the next 3-4 weeks. The exact plan isn't set yet, and will probably continue to evolve until very late in the game based on (among other things), what the competition is doing and what theaters are available in what cities. (Getting the right theater is critical for the success of an 'art-house' movie - much more than for a more 'mainstream' wide realease film). This is fairly standard among more off beat films, or films aimed at a more adult audience. But it makes it very hard to say with any confidence exactly when the film will get to a particular city.

Hope that helps a little,



Yea..but now there are two Katie Holmes films being released on 10/17 (in NY and LA I guess)

It's ok..the more the merrier :)


Hi, Keith,
Will there be a premiere in NY or LA before Oct. 17?

Thanks much!


I'm sure there will be one, but where and when is yet to be determined. A lot (of course) will have to be based on Robert Downey and Mel Gibson and their work and travel schedules.



Thanks for your reply, Keith! I'm very much looking forward to TSD's release.
