US release date change

Hi all,

As noted earlier, in the (over) crowded fall season schedules remain fluid. Paramount Classics is moving the NY/LA opening back to October 24. It's a less crowded weekend for film openings, and was the weekend they originally wanted before 'Gothika' plunked itself down on the same day, which would have then had two Downey films opening on the same day. Now that Gothika has moved into November, they decided to go back to their original plan. (And this way we don't have two Katie Holmes movies opening the same day, since 'Pieces of April' opens on the 17th).

The move into the rest of the large markets will now start on November 7. At that point they'll add somewhere between 20 and 50 more cities, depending on many things, from theater availability on.

All my best,



Thanks for the info Keith, I was planning on having a Katie marathon on that day but now I can spread things out a little. It makes good sense to me.


Hi Keith, Thank you for the update on this. It does seem to make sense. I guess it also gives you and Robert more time to get out and promote it!! Yikes!I imagine you will need a vacation soon! best of luck!! thanks so much, Judy


Thank you once again Keith, for updating the information regarding the release of this film. I have already written my impressions of the movie under the 'user's comments' portion of this section, but I also want to tell you personally how much I loved the movie at the Toronto screening, just three weeks ago. (I have also seen the original BBC series.) We attended with a small group of friends and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it, as did the rest of the audience. (It was especially a nice treat seeing it with a full house! Over 1300 people in attendance in the beautiful downtown Elgin theatre.) Robert was in wonderfully fine form on stage with his funny remarks, just prior to when the film began and he is stellar in every facet of the Dan Dark character. It was a real treat to listen to you offer your own thoughts and insights on this very entertaining movie. I just want to wish all of you luck with the upcoming Chicago Film Festival (Another group of friends plan to attend that one!) along with the other festivals planned as you continue to prepare for the end of October. We're behind you! Job well done! Sarah


I know it's opening in New York and L.A., but does anyone know when it is opening around the rest of the US?.. or if it even is.



November 7 it will go into a bunch more cities - somewhere between 25 and 50. I don't have a specific list, but it's safe to assume that will be all the biggest markets: Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Boston, Miami, etc.




could you please tell me if Robin Wright Penn is going to THE SINGING DETECTIVE premiere?

Thank you so much.



It doesn't look like Robin was able to make it. Thumnails of the arrivials are available here.

