To Keith: The Birth of a TSD fan!
Hi Keith!
I met you and hugged you in Chicago!
You are without any doubt a wonderfully talented actor and director, but more importantly, you're a great guy! You treated us, your fans, with so much affection and respect! Thank you!
Chicago was so much fun! We had such a good time and we all fell madly in love with The Singing Detective! I'm hoping for lots of Oscar nominations!
On Tuesday, October 21st, my husband and I went to the Dallas/TSD private screeing.
I love The Singing Detective so much, I was very excited about seeing it for the second time. I reported on this "adventure" to my friends. Here is my email to them. I think you might enjoy it! It has a happy ending! :)
The birth of a TSD fan!!
Tuesday, October 21st
When I reported on my Dallas/TSD private screening adventure, I left out one small, but important detail.
My husband didn’t care for the movie! Whoops!!
I should say, he didn’t care for MOST of the movie. He loved the music and he liked the ending.
The drive home was a little weird because he was a bit grumpy about it! To break the tension, I decided to turn on the soundtrack since he seemed to love it so much!
Then I decided that it was time for him to get a little background on the film.
I thought I had already “prepared” him for it, but obviously I hadn’t prepared him enough!! I talked to him about it. He listened.
Wednesday, October 22nd
We talked a little bit more about the film. I explained a little bit about the medicine, the psoriasis, the detective book, the guilt etc. I noticed he was a little more receptive to chatting about it.
Thursday, October 23rd
He came to me singing “Three Steps to Heaven” with a big smile on his face and told me that he "just can’t seem to get that song" out of his head. He wanted to know who the singer is. I got the CD case to show him – Eddie Cochran. He loves this song! He asked me if he could borrow the TSD soundtrack to put in his car while he ran some errands. I told him he couldn’t, (LOL) but I let him take my car so he could listen to "Three Steps to Heaven" and the whole soundtrack again and again and again. That made him very happy!
When he came back from running his errands, I said to him, “It sounds like you might be changing your mind about this movie.”
He said, “How can you get the guy with the psoriasis out of your mind?”
That was his word-for-word reply! I thought, “OMG he ‘gets’ it!” He gets Downey!
Join the club!!! LOL
We talked about it a lot more and he became very interested in the discussion!
Then he went off on another errand and listened to his precious soundtrack some more! LOL
When he came home, he said, “OK, I’m READY to see this movie now!”
And this is how a new TSD/Downey fan was born!
By the way, he wants me to email Keith Gordon to tell him that he’s worried that the “man on the street” isn’t going to “get” this movie. He thinks everyone needs to be “educated” about it before they see it. He feels that the movie can only be appreciated if the audience is an “informed” audience.
I told him that Keith is already aware of this and that’s why he had the Paramount Classics gal read his speech before the movie. My husband doesn’t think that’s enough! LOL
He now LOVES this movie and wants it to be very successful!!
BTW, he also wants me to tell Keith that the song, How Much is That Doggie in The Window, should be on the soundtrack! LOL
We will be seeing TSD together again as soon as it opens here! :) He can't wait! Neither can I!
He will also be getting his OWN TSD/CD ASAP!!