to Sidetracked-TSD selling like "HOTCAKES"
I guess "the proof is in the pudding" that the DVD has been released....only 5 days ago.....the video stores cannot keep it in stock!! Yeay Keith, Robert, Mel, Robin, Katie, Adrian and the whole cast. We all knew, or at least fervently hoped, that this would happen while it was in theaters....but I guess you could say it was a "late bloomer" because after a slow is now flying off the shelves.
Keith, I think I am most excited for put your heart and soul into this was your "baby" ...and you did such an amazing job of bringing it all together. I have only seen it four times and can hardly stand the wait till it arrives in my mailbox... but I know each time I emerse myself into this wonderful film, I find things I missed the first time around. Now I am going to be able to watch it over and over....
Thank you for bringing us such a treasure!!