MovieChat Forums > The Singing Detective (2003) Discussion > Connection To Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang?

Connection To Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang?

Does anyone else think this? Downey has a line in the movie kiss, bang, bang. Plus the whole detective books mingling with reality theme....


Hmmm, good point. Oh! In Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang the whole robot scenario can relate to Iron Man. The robot did look like iron man!


I thought that too! I forget what the line was, but I saw the parallels as well.

Somewhat in the same vein- in the Tropic Thunder "Viral" video, he says he's gotta go, because he's got priors. Back to KKBB! :)

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That is one oo-gly burd.


And in The Singing Detective he has a line "what do you mean? Alittle kiss kiss bang bang." I'm not kidding, he says it. I wonder if actors do that for their fans?



"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" is old slang for a detective novel and the movie was made several years after The Singing Detective (I'm just saying I'm pretty sure that it would be a coincidence). Also when RDJ said he's gotta go because he has priors is because in reality RDJ has priors (Lots of drug abuse). He seems to poke fun at himself a lot for his past.


Yeah, I noticed it too. Thought it was a cool coincidence.



also, didn't this film come out 2 years before Kiss Kiss Bang Bang?


Never heard that... The origin of 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang' I've always heard was that James Bond Films in Japan when translated have a 'master title' of and when translated back to English it is "Mr. Kiss kiss Bang bang"


"Mr. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: and Dr. No"

"Mr. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: Skyfall"


I ain't never had seed this movie. Were it any good?

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