MovieChat Forums > My Life Without Me (2003) Discussion > Would you want your widow(er) to find a ...

Would you want your widow(er) to find a new spouse?

Would you want your surviving spouse to find a new love after you pass away or would you want to be the only love of his/her life?

Would your answer change depending on your age?


I'm positive if I die first, my husband will re-marry. He would be totally lost without a woman to live with.


Of course I'd want my husband to fall in love again. Wishing for me to be the sole love of his life would be selfish, wouldn't it?
It would devastate me if he wasn't able to find another woman. I want him to be happy, simple as that. While I'm alive I want him to be happy with me but when I'm dead I want him to find love with another woman.
I don't think I'll change my mind when I'm older.

What about you?

He just knew he had to keep running to keep from screaming. Connelly, Michael: Angels Flight


First off, I would be dead so they should do what they want. What difference would it make to the dead person?

Secondly, anyone who says they wouldn't want their spouse or whatever to find someone else is a horrible, horrible person. No exceptions.

"I'd like to confuse bok choy with cabbage, sir."


Ok, let me start off by saying that I'm not married. I am in a relationship however.

If I were to die, I would want my other half to find someone. I wouldn't want her to be alone.

I'm so scared your little head will come off in my hands!


Yes, of course! However, I think there should be a mourning period out of respect for the dead, their children and family members.
