MovieChat Forums > Tears of the Sun (2003) Discussion > Why It Says Antoine Fuqua and Bruce Will...

Why It Says Antoine Fuqua and Bruce Willis Will Never Work Again?

why? because the project is difficult or bruce willis is a racist?



what? you don't answer my question!!!!


•Tensions between Director Antoine Fuqua and Bruce Willis emerged soon after principle photography began, ending with each vowing never to work with the other again.

Why would him saying he wouldn't work with Antoine make him a racist? Pretty dumb question.


Usually this happens when actor and director have differing visions about how the film should be made. Perhaps Bruce wanted a grittier style, a la Saving Private Ryan and Fuqua said no (my own speculation).

Whatever it was, it's usually best to say they had 'creative differences'... standard defense in Hollywood.

'Before this war is over, the world will know that few stood against many.' - 300


to the genius OP, so are those the only two choices? difficult shoot or willis is racist huh? very nice...


it is better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it


Willis did take shrapnel in the neck from a prop...and the shoot was probably very difficult, and who knows Fuqua coud be a d!ck or the other way around. But Willis did his part, he didn't make the film suck he did an excellent job. This happens a lot, Ben Stiller will never work with Jim Carrey again, ever since the Cable Guy, etc.

Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times.


Actors should act and leave the directing up to the directors IMO.

Like Christian Bale in Terminator Salvation who was said to have changed the entire plot and direction of the film with his "starpower". STFU and act, ass-clown.


Well it's the actors face on the movie. The majority of the work may be the director but most people will only remember the main actor and not the director. So the actors probably feel that since it is their face on it then it has to be their way.


I doubt bruce willis is racist when he was all hugged up with puff daddy at the mtv music video awards back in 2004!! doing the fat joe "lean back"!!!!!


Didn't I read somewhere that these 2 are going to be working on a new film together ? Apparently, whatever tenstion was there is now gone and they're making films together again.


Even mentioning the race card is idiotic on your part. If Willis was racist at all, why would he have agreed to have been in the project to begin with? (note, that Willis worked twice with M. Night Shyamalan, an INDIAN. Not the actions of a racist is it?). If the actor doesn't have a reputation of being 'difficult' then it's usually a crazy director. Either that or clashing views on how the film should be (i.e creative differences).

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


I read an interview with fuqua saying he likes bruce but he is a pain in the ass to work with. Lots of directors have said the same about BW.
