Like bread that starts to grow mold...
...I liked this movie when I first saw it in 2003. Maybe it was because I was a youngin looking at joining the military, but I thought it was pretty good. Felt the same in 2006 when I saw it again. But over time, whenever I watch it, I become more annoyed at things I notice and the overall story in general. Like bread that starts to grow moldy, I liked it better when I first got it. That said, I still like the movie, but just a few things that irk me:
1) What are the consequences of him going off-mission and getting people killed/money spent for the F-18 deployment? I can't imagine it turning out well. So if this movie wants to end in a "feel good because the right thing was done" kind of way, I'm not fully getting that. Especially since so many people died for pretty much nothing.
2) Her breasts are always out.
3) When Bruce Willis is given a direct order, he argues back and the two sound more like it's a conversation between old friends than a superior giving orders. I can't see that working irl.
4) "These people have walked 30 miles. They have to rest!" --the way I see it, you don't stop until you're in the safe zone. Do what it takes to survive. But whatever.
5) some of the small unit tactics seemed a bit off
6) black lives matter.
I also blame this post on Johnny Walker.
five midgets
spanking a man
covered in thousand island dressing
is that love?