MovieChat Forums > Tears of the Sun (2003) Discussion > Monica Belluci's Atrocious Acting!

Monica Belluci's Atrocious Acting!

I'm not certain whether to blame the actress for her weak acting and
serious lack of onscreen chemistry with Bruce Willis though I was
not one bit impressed with her performance. Perhaps I ought to
point the finger at both the script writers and producers though
director Antoine Fuqua did the best directing overall with the
working cast of actors. Belluci was okay in her scenes with
Fionula Flanagan though found her just so irritating in every
scene she shared with Bruce Willis! I honestly could not wait
for her presence to exit the scene since I really did not care
for her self righteous persona! UUGH! Now Monica Belluci is an
attractive woman though she should not be cast in roles simply
because of her beauty! Oh well!

Lawrence Sunny Florida

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!



Overreaction much?


... serious lack of onscreen chemistry with Bruce Willis ...
I thought she was quite believable in the role. It wasn't a rom-com. All they had to do was show a developing connection throughout the mission which they did.

Apparently in an earlier cut both characters kissed and I think it was extremely wise decision to forgo that footage.🐭


I liked how they worked her cleavage into every shot!


Agree. Her acting was terrible. She looked like was she was model posing for a lipstick ad. Her face showed no emotion or any expression, even when she shouted.
