MovieChat Forums > Love Actually (2003) Discussion > Does love like this only exist in movies...

Does love like this only exist in movies?

I'm quite cynical, admittedly. However, I want to know if anyone here has a "love story" like this of their own (when most marriages are boy meets girl, they date, then get married.) Nothing exciting. No great loving gestures. No movie stories. In my opinion, marriage is more of a mutual financial agreement than magic and fireworks like Love Actually tries to perpetuate.

So, my question is: should I be waiting for these kind of fireworks, or is love actually not at all like a movie?


Honestly, in life there is a little of both. Is love always fireworks and butterflies and romantic gestures? Of course not. But when you meet someone that you love, not only physically and mentally and emotionally but love with your soul, there are all those things. And even after you've been together many, many years you still have those moments, sometimes for no real apparent reason at all!

I could bore you with my "romantic comedy" love story if you really want lol but I don't know if it would really interest you all that much. :)

Hope some day you find your "one true love" that your soul can love!


I think I understand it... "Movie" love doesn't really exist, but someone that makes you feel like the only person in the world does... Even if it's the typical boy meets girl story. Thanks :) glad you are blessed with love :)


Exactly!! I hope you find that kind of love at some point in your life! :)

Also, sorry if you got a weird message about "ignoring" you lol I totally hit the wrong button when trying to reply!


Lol I didn't even notice... You're a doll.


I have heard some very romantic real love stories.

"great minds think differently"


It happens! I met my wife on a shared flight. One should not wait for the "ah ha!" moment however. Often times it is finding that person that you can't imagine not seeing every day over a gradual build up.


Real love stories are like Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman's story, like Andrew Lincoln and Keira Knightly's story, like Liam Neeson's story (losing his wife), and like Lauran Linney and Rodrigo Santoro's story. Temporary and tragic. Love is nothing like a movie, but depending on the relationship, the feeling of love at least lasts a little longer and keeps you happy a little longer. Sometimes it's temporary and sometimes it ends before it even begins like with the man that was in love with Keira's character. But never is it like you see in the movies.

"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world."


Sometimes a couple have been together for 50 years. No one cheats. They have problems but they endure. That is the best anyone can hope for.



I envy a couple that can end up like that .. but it seems nowadays that a man can't just have sex with just one woman , for the rest of his life .. If a woman finds a man that is that way ... well then .. she's one lucky gal .

"A man that wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough".


I have *never* been in a relationship as some kind of 'mutual financial agreement', including my marriage.

And when asking if love exists such as in 'Love Actually', that is rather a difficult question as there are different kinds of love stories portrayed in the movie.

And, yes, love as magic and fireworks does exist -- and true love also encompasses so much more than that 💝

"Shake your hair girl with your ponytail"


I think that the movies portray things in a way that make people reach for unattainable standards. The short answer to your question is: No. The longer, more personal to me, that I am sure will make everyone say they don't care is: in 2007, I was preparing to move 1000+ miles from home to relocate, and I met a man. The man called me almost immediately upon returning home and asked me to dinner. I was the jaded type and all set to go for this move, but when my mouth started moving the rejection that came out was, "Sure, I'd like that!" Long story short, we had a whirlwind courtship in which I continuously pushed back my move date because I did not want to leave this man. One day about a month after our first date, he sat me down and took a deep breath, and said, "I'm going woth you. If you leave, and I stay, I have nothing left." I tried to protest but he persuaded me to see his side. That man proposed soon after, and we got married in 2014. Before I met him, never in a million years did I think love existed. I'd been used and abused by the boys in the world and at 27 had accepted I'D be forever alone.

I hope one day you'll share your Love Story with us :)



there has to be love and passion to make a marriage last. it can't just be about financial things etc. the days when a couple needed to marry in order to survvie economically are long past. most people have their own seperate jobs rather than working to run the family farm or business as people did in pre industrial times. Most people can support themselves. So marrying for financial reasons isn't really necessary, there are children of course, it is easier to raise a family if there are two of you, but there has to be more to your relationship than just wanting a family, or it won't last.
You need to feel wtrong attraction for someone as well as having things in common etc. But generally you need to get to know someone first, love at first sight can happen, but not to everyone.
