Terrible movie.

My god what a crap film. I probably wasn't even halfway through it before I started playing on my phone. It was so boring and the "humor" absolutely sucked. Not funny at so many parts that were meant to be. Was this a hollywood film or a British movie? Cause if it was British that would explain why it was such garbage. I can't believe my gf said this trash was good.


It's rubbish aimed at women.


It not being to your taste does not make it rubbish, old sport.
It is sentimental, no doubt, but fun and sweet, and an old favorite.

" You just keep thinkin' Butch, that's what you're good at."


This film is neither fun, sweet or sentimental.


It most certainly is all of those things, plus funny.


rubbish aimed at women


Once you choose hope, anything's possible -Christopher Reeve


"Was it a Hollywood film or a British film?"

You're dumb.


I'm sure the creators and actors will take a moment from rolling in residuals to shed a tear at your criticism.

... then go back to rolling.


Nothing to see here, move along.


I was pleasantly surprised by it. Not usually a fan of romcoms but I thought this was genuinely funny.


I agree. Trash movie, sorry.


Let us know when you get back on your meds.


So, you have to be off your meds to not like this stupid movie?



Your girlfriend seems lovely. It's a shame her boyfriend has such a terrible taste in movies.


by demonlord6696 » Wed Dec 16 2015 02:28:37
IMDb member since July 2005
My god what a crap film. I probably wasn't even halfway through it before I started playing on my phone. It was so boring and the "humor" absolutely sucked. Not funny at so many parts that were meant to be. Was this a hollywood film or a British movie? Cause if it was British that would explain why it was such garbage. I can't believe my gf said this trash was good.

Well, your GF obviously doesn't deserve someone with your taste.

And I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

Now go play with you phone, and maybe find another pastime other than posting on the IMDB.


Was this a hollywood film or a British movie?

You mean you can't tell?


LOL, touche' 
