Did you not like it because of the love you've never had?
I'm just throwing out ideas here, but the hate for this movie is so bitter and angry. Almost nobody that has commented about disliking the film has done so with a casual dislike, in fact it is just the opposite. Long, detailed posts about just how mean and horrible and sexist it all is, with no redeemable qualities whatsoever. Even the comedy is complained about.
I wonder if the movie strikes a nerve for some of us. For those of us who've tasted true love, it seems to warm our hearts. Is it possible that the reason you hate the film has to do with it exploring something you've always wanted but have never had yourself?
Not everyone experiences love, and worse, not everyone experiences it the way they wish they could. Even people who proudly tell everyone within shouting distance how amazing their relationship is (even without people asking or caring) suggests a "forced truth". "We've been in a good, solid, loving relationship for a very long time and we just HATE this film".
Which begs the question as to WHY you HATE this film. Dislike it, certainly. Have problems with it, okay. Are bothered by certain parts of it, I agree. But HATE it? Why? Especially if you are SO much in love, and are SO secure in your relationship, where does all your hatred come from? Even if you disagree with what you see on the screen... Why do you VEHEMENTLY hate this film?
There's something interesting going on here, something just beneath the surface that nobody is talking about. Love is the one thing we all desperately want, more than anything else in life. If we don't get it, we learn to hate, instead. Isn't it just possible that those of you who hate the film hate it because it makes you feel bad? Not because it's a bad film?
Tell me what you think. And try to be honest. With me. With us.
With yourself.
My thoughts: https://xanderpayne.blogspot.com
My book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01G6OI7HG
You didn't come here to make the choice, you're here to understand why you made it.