Tommy is the perfect main character and needs to return !!
When you think of it, Tommy is the PERFECT main char for a crime simulator like GTA. He's badass, smooth, has a cool "let's take it all attitude", doesn't take crap from anyone, has a sarcastic sense of humor that keeps things interesting and he won't be anyone's b!tch. That are the things that make you want to play as him, engages you to take over the city.. with Carl, I didn't feel cool at all when he got bossed around by Catalina. The others, like Niko, were just too troubled. Tommy was perfect because when you played as him, i'm sure most of us had something like.. 'yeah I'm being a real badass now, and I wish I was a bit more like that in real life... minus, hopefully, the criminal-aspect..'. You just feel cool and badass playing as him, and isn't that the whole point of these games? I don't want to be a whiny cursing troubled guy from the hood that acts all gangsta but is quick to be scared... Niko was badass but too troubled.. Vic Vance was way too nice and didn't even want to be a criminal which made me not want to do the missions and Toni Cipriani was a lackey... Tommy was the man, no dramatic trouble bullcrap, he just made the world his own, basically the essence of GTA gameplay.. making the world your own, do what you want, become the man. Tommy had no real friends or family either, which made you relate to him even more.. you, in a world full of dumb morons and pricks who need to be manipulated.
Point being... they need to frickin' return the guy!
In a perfect world, Michael's role in GTA5 would be taken by Vercetti... He lost his empire in Vice due to heavy actions from the police, but made a deal with the FIB, betrayed all his business partners and other high ranking criminals so the police and FIB could 'clean' Vice City and Tommy would've been given that mansion and money in Los Santos, retiring from his life of crime. Found himself a wife, made some kids, same stuff as Michael only with Tommy.
Just another idea.. maybe a GTA 6 that is set in Las Venturas, San Fierro and surounding areas where Tommy is expanding his crime empire to Las Venturas, or maybe all went wrong in Vice City and he fled to Las Venturas, simply starting from scratch again...
hell, I don't know, I just need to see that man again! Never did a GTA main char engage me and motivate me like Tommy did and I highly doubt one of the three new guys will. As cool and great as they all look, they are all too troubled and flawed. Interesting, but I'd rather play as a straight badass.