Why did they show....

Why did they show Cusack and Weisz "meeting" each other for the first time in the candle shop? I kind of understand that for a movie viewer who didn't know anything about the plot it was interesting to see exactly what the twist was in the end, but it didn't seem to make sense in the realm of the movie. Same thing with Cusack "trying" to get out of jury duty by listening to his 2 friends. Were these two occurrences for the benefit of Fitch's men following him and trying to see if he should be picked for the jury?




>Were these two occurrences for the benefit of Fitch's men following him and trying to see if he should be picked for the jury?


We were shown early on that the two knew each other and were working together, so it is not meant to set up the audience for a twist. It was done for the benefit of those investigating the potential jurors.
