MovieChat Forums > Out of Time (2003) Discussion > This movie seems familiar

This movie seems familiar

Ah yes, I remember. This movie used to be called Presumed Innocent, and had Harrison Ford in it. I guess I'll just suspect the same person/role/character who was guilty in Presumed Innocent (in case my cynicism is correct, I Didn't want to ruin the film for anybody... either of them).


lol you are ruining all of my fun... i was gonna go here and get more people to hate me by saying that this movie looks like minority report you know with the whole thing of him being framed for a murder and is now on the run


...except the part where those murders happen in the futher and this one don't...

VERY familiar


People have to remember there are only a handful of plots out there, and so-called 'original' movies just use those plots in new ways. There have probably been thousands of movies about a person proving who the bad guy is while they themselves have been framed as the criminal.

And in Minority Report he wasn't framed, he was going to commit the crime, only his motivation for doing it was setup. Basically lies were arranged to make him want to kill the man, and therefore the precogs saw him doing it, but he wasn't framed for the murder.

The less a man makes declarative statements the less apt he is to look foolish in retrospect.


I think you'll find that (theoretically speaking) there are only about 7 original plots in total. All other plots/storylines are derived from, or are variations of, these 7. (And I think William Shakespeare covered them all across his works!)

By the sounds of the plot outline given here, I think the most obvious film you could compare this to would be No Way Out starring Kevin Costner & Gene Hackman. (A brilliant film if you haven't seen it). This was actually based on the book (and 40's? film) The Big Clock.

Both involve the star character having to find the villain, with lots of technology and help at hand, knowing full well it's all pointing to him – whether he's guilty or not.

Certainly one of the better plotlines Hollywood has used....


It is the prequel of Virtuosity, remenber that Denzel's chararter was a cop and also convicted for murder. I'm just kidding. But this plot sounds very familiar, like Minority Report.


ya and the only big difference will be that there is no precrime and he wasent/didnt kill anyone



It sounds a bit similar to both The Fugitive and Minority Report.

"This is U.S. History, I see the globe right there." -Jeff Spicoli; Fast Times at Ridgemont High



It could just as easily be like Minority Repot as it could be like the Fugitive. The synopsis is so vague that it could be similar to about 20 different films. Take away the whole future thing and you have the same movie, you just have to have a little thing called an imagination to see the similarities, nobody said that it was the same exact movie plot, just that they were similar and the plots are very similar... but they are similar to about 20 movies. Still, you can't go wrong with Denzel, it will be good.



Actually, it reminds me of Denzel's earlier movie: Ricochet.


I'm guessing everybody who said minority report has never seen Presumed Innocent. The previews make it sound EXACTLY like Presumed Innocent. A man investigating a case, and the evidence starts to point to him. It's uncanny the similarities.


Actually, it reminds *me* of Denzel's earlier movie, Fallen :)


Yeah, you're absolutely right. In one movie, he investigates a murder (I'm assuming) case and the evidence points to him. In the other, a demon transfers from person to person and harasses a detective. Well, you got the cop thing going for ya, other than that, it's like saying Die Hard reminds you of a club sandwich.




I like this original argument. Yeah...this movie's a rip-off off another movie because let's face it...every movie made now is completely 100% original. Yeah, this movie is totally unoriginal.

"I hope this is sweat"


The plots in pornos are more original

How can we expect anyone to listen if we are using the same old voice? We need a new noise.


Saw a screening last night. ARI-Boy has it right. The set-up may be different, the bulk of the film is straight "No Way Out".
