MovieChat Forums > CSI: Miami (2002) Discussion > Least favorite character

Least favorite character

I'm certain that this post will elicite a tremendous amount of David Caruso bashing because that seems to be a passtime with some people. Besides Caine, what character annoyed you the most? For me, it had to be Delko. His perpetual d* measuring contest with Ryan was tiresome. Also, Adam Rodriguez is a mouth breather and I find that incredibly irritating.


I must be in the minorty because Horatio never annoyed me.
Delko, however....I wish he bit it instead of Jesse. I loved him at first then he just got way too annoying. I wish when he first left, he stayed gone. They should have kept Jesse. He had a way better dynamic with the team, especially with Walter.

I only dance at the funerals of people I hate


I agree completely. I was so mad when they killed off Jesse just to bring that jerk back on. Jesse was a great, fresh face with good chemistry with everyone around him. Then BOOM! he's dead and we're stuck with Delko in every episode again.


Emily Procter I actually found her to be a worse actress than David Caruso.


Yeah, I can't deal with Callie or Delko. It was worse when they became a couple.


Absolutely agree.


Maximus Decimus Meridius



I rather liked Horatio, I didn't find him annoying at all. I did get a chuckle because of how his character is always standing and looking to the side for dramatic moments.

I was annoyed most by Delko and Callie, something about them made me not like them. Then when they were dating, I hate when shows do that.





I personally hate Ryan Wolfe, found him arrogate self centred pissy little know it all. More so after he destroyed evidence while showing off.

And when he was blabbing to the reporter he was fired then ended up back on the job. That should never have happen ever!



Thank you!!!!!  I love you! I want to marry you and have your babies!!!!! Finally, someone with the same opinion of Ryan that I have. My list of personality faults and why I can't stand the sight of this douchenozzle would take days to read, but I think you pretty much summed it up well.

Also, he can dish out making comments about people, like when he said something about Alex putting up posters about a child molester in her neighbor hood, but when the guy in the lab made a comment about him vapor locking during a shootout, he got all pissy about it because he can't take it.

Lord! It's a miracle! Man up and vanished like a fart in the wind!



eric delko
