Worst Guest Star!
I will have to nominate Sean Combs aka Puff Daddy, P Diddy or
whatever he may be calling himself these days. He appeared in
two episodes as defense attorney Derek Powell and his acting
was so atrocious! My guess is he never took any acting lessons
and just read the scripts and memorized his lines and wow
was he so unbelievably awful to watch! The one funny factor
is that he was so easy to laugh at because of his horribly weak
acting! And by the way he appeared in Hawaii Five-0 playing
a different character and this time he was a New York
cop who was undercover in the islands and was reunited with
his estranged wife and son. If Sean Combs were to actually
take acting classes then he may even improve his acting
ability! Lol!
Lorenzo Sunny Arizona
Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!