MovieChat Forums > CSI: Miami (2002) Discussion > Did we ever see Horatio's office?

Did we ever see Horatio's office?

I have been catching up on episodes through Netflix. Every time Horatio meets with someone it is outside where he can pose(with sunglasses) or in the hallway where he can put hands on hips. Did they ever show his office or his supervisor?

Also, being a single man. You never see him picking up his cleaning, or buying groceries on the way home. That is truly strange.



IIRC, there was at least one episode with his office, maybe two? It was in probably the first or second season. One episode, he sits at his desk and I think Speed came in with a newspaper to show him an article about the guy who murdered his whole family except the infant getting acquitted because he claimed something like post-partem depression. And maybe another episode he was at his desk and looking at his brother's memorial card. It may have been the cross-over episode because I think one of the female cast members was talking to him. It could have been the main woman from CSI or it was Megan or the female detective they had the first and second season (Sevilla?). It's been so long since I watched those episodes. Sorry I can't be more help.

"It's not your looks that keep me here, Peg. It's mine." -Al Bundy


Watching the whole series over - been years since I seen one and man, that one episode in Season 1 about the father who killed the whole family except the infant and his teenage son over post partem depression - I know people will say this show was laughable, but can't believe there'd be *beep* who'd pull that stunt in real life. If there were, I'd like to meet 'em, so I could knock them on their ass.


In the first season, we do see his office. It's very dull, with pretty much no personal touches. As to your other point, with very few exceptions I can think of, we aren't shown him doing anything personal. Even the other characters we don't see much off duty stuff. I guess they just weren't interested in that.

