They are (except for the lab techs) supposed to be fully sworn and qualified police officers in addition to CSI. That's why they need their firearms certification etc.
Caleigh even explicitly stated that in the scene when she was being interviewed for adoption.
Now, how realistic that would be in Miami-Dade or elsewhere, I cannot say. I expect not very much. But that's typical for TV. You have a limited cast of characters and you thus they do more than equivalent people would do in real life. You could see the same in House, where the main characters performed procedures other doctors of even nurses would do in real life.
And actually, early on they maintained the separation of CSI and police more tightly. There was even a plot point where Delco pretended to interview a suspect without a detective present - contrary to regulations - but in fact the detective was listening in all along. This "a detective must be present during interviews" was dropped later in the name of storytelling.