Stoned Cold episode
Anyone else feel the parents did the best thing possible in that episode?
The bully got exactly what she deserved
Anyone else feel the parents did the best thing possible in that episode?
The bully got exactly what she deserved
I agree, the bully got exactly what she deserved. I mean that bitch had driven one of the kids into attempting suicide and it's clear the scum school administrators would always side with the popular kids and there was nothing they could do. Sadly, it reflects reality, lots of kids kill themselves because of bullies and nothing ever happens, no punishments or anything, just half assed hypocritical anti bullying statements from politicians. This has been talked about for years but nothing has been done, because the school principals are employed by elitists and the elitist rich kids are the ones doing the bullying. I am not one to condone murder but it is better the bitch die than an innocent kid killing themselves because of her and maybe if in real life some parents took justice into their own hands it would shock people and make people talk about bullying and start holding bullies accountable.
I think that the parents could get off easy with a sympathetic jury because they could use a emotional disturbance/justification defense.
I totally agree with you
It's a crazy world out there
No one mourned her death; I can't remember anyone! She went out of her way to make everyone's life as miserable as possible to make herself feel better no doubt! She obviously was harboring some deep-seated and noxious feelings inside!
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